Do you need to buy cigars or book an event?
An Elevated Cigar Experience
At Cultured Cigar Concierge, our goal is to elevate the culture of cigar smoking through; improved inventory management for venues, providing cigar sales at private and public events, as well as offering educational opportunities on cigar culture.
Over the course of several years, Everett, Ryan, Jason, and Julian developed a friendship through their shared passion for bourbon and cigars. Connoisseurs in their own right, the three were always looking for their next great sip and their next great smoke.
In time, the four began to notice that not all cigar smoking experiences were created equal. They discovered a common denominator that directly affected all their experiences—KNOWLEDGE.
They came to the realization that their level of satisfaction with each cigar smoking experience was directly affected by the amount of knowledge had by those around them.
Out of their desire to enhance the smoking experience for all cigar lovers, Cultured Cigar Concierge was born.
Inventory Management
Cigar Inventory management for venues
Cigar and Whiskey Pairings
Cigar of the month
Humidor checks
Staff Training
Private Events
Public Events
Other Special Events
History of Cigar Making
Cutting, Lighting, Smoking (CLS)
Cigar etiquette
Anatomy of Cigar
How to pick the cigar for you